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If you do not have a title and still want to benefit from all the features, you can still buy a premium membership below. Please send us the email you used for payment and your username on and we will set up your premium membership right away.

  • Apply for title. has a lot of benefits for elite or titled players. If you hold a qualifying title (see list below), you get a lifetime Premium membership for free. That gives you access to the best features available and a title abbreviation next to your username. More, we recognise Online Arena Titles. When you're ready, submit proof of your title and we will add the title to your account!
    Qualifying Titles:

    GM - Grandmaster

    AGM - ArenaGrandmaster

    WGM - Woman Grandmaster

    WAGM - WomanArenaGrandmaster

    IM - International Master

    AIM - Arena International Master

    WIM - Woman International Master

    WAIM - Woman Arena International Master

    FM - FIDE Master

    AFM - Arena Fide Master

    WFM - Woman FIDE Master

    WAFM - Woman Arena Fide Master

    CM - FIDE Candidate Master

    ACM - FIDE Arena Candidate Master

    WCM - Woman FIDE Candidate Master

    WACM - Woman FIDE Arena Candidate Master

    NM - National Master

    ANM - Arena National Master

    WNM - Woman National Master

    WANM - Woman Arena National Master

    VGM - VaidaChessGrandMaster - This title is awarded to the players who contributed with something special to the website.

  • [email protected]

